My next fair is Thread, a festival for sewists and fabric lovers. Join us and other textile enthusiasts for a sociable & inspiring day out. Learn from the experts, try new techniques & enjoy a varied programme of workshops for all. Browse the curated marketplace for artisan fabrics and haberdashery to purchase for your own textile projects or buy unique handcrafted work from artists and makers. Exhibitors include textile producers, yarn purveyors, textile artists and makers. I'll be bringing along fabric scrap packs, antique French haberdashery and linens as well as vintage kantha quilts and throws.
Thread - A Festival of Textiles - 10th June 2023 from 9.30am to 5pm at Farnham Maltings, Farnham, Surrey. GU9 7HR.
Then the next day, I'm back at Duck Pond Market Highgate for their quarterly fair in Lauderdale House on Highgate Hill.
Duck Pond Market - Sunday 11th June 2023 11am to 5pm at Lauderdale House, Highgate, London . N6 5HG
The following week I'm heading to Oxfordshire for the White Door Brocante, where you will find a beautiful array of decorative antiques and vintage goods including furniture, home décor, garden, architectural objects, old linens, handmade treasures and textiles.
White Door Brocante 16th June 2023 from 10am to 3pm. Benson Village Hall, Benson, South Oxfordshire. OX10 6LZ